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Sequence Focus: Splash water on your face!

Wash your plate. Many make the analogy of washing your “plate” to meditation. Well today we will wash out our entire body. I apologize in advance for the analogy if you don’t like to wash dishes, but today we are washing our bodies, from the inside out. The Refresh sequence is great for when we feel stuck or low and we need to refuel. In a way that is really cleaning out any gunk that just won’t move. To give us an instant boost, restart… refresh for our body, mind, and heart. 

In the sequence we first just splash water throughout our entire body, all around. Next we really get into all the nooks and corners until we truly entirely clean out our bodies. 

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Class(es) Includes

Reset, refresh, cleanse.

  • Refresh – Level 1

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Kim Regan
5 months ago
Loved this sequence and the analogy of washing out.
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