"Learning about the 9 Goddess archetypes has been so beneficial and expansive to my understanding of and relating to not only myself, but everyone I'm in relationship with. The identities we take on shape so much of our perception and therefore our reality. By learning about the Goddesses I'm able to see myself more wholly and I've been able to gain confidence and a self-acceptance in all the facets of my personality and experience. Instead of judging myself and others by outward expression I am happy to feel comfortable in my own experience and more accepting of others."
"The space Sejal held for my brokenness was Heaven sent. Her energy knew beyond what I could show her. Surrender was something I struggled with and you may ask why!?! It was my defense mechanism and I held it closely like dear life. She was magical. A symbol of earth mother who picked me up in her embrace to guide me to surrender to what was to become what is. She saved me!"
"I highly recommend doing Sircle as a spiritual meditation, a form of self-expression, and physical training. Sejal is not just a dance teacher. She is like a body worker. She knows what's happening in your body by the way you dance."
"I have found Sircle to be so uplifting spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The movements are well designed and simple to follow. You don't need prior experience. They are very beautiful. Sircle allows me to tap into the feminine aspect of myself and helps me tune up my body."
"Having done several forms of dance-based exercises for years, Sircle seems to have hit all the spots for me on physicality, spirituality, and artistry. Glad to have found it!"
"Each time I meet a Goddess in practice I experience the energy differently and it's a chance for reflection of what I have going on internally in that moment. To be able to tap into these different energies in my day-to-day life has changed the way I experience the world, and how I walk through it for the better."
"A few days into the training I quickly realized 'Sircle' is so much more than just dancing! Sircle is a truly powerful practice. Once I truly surrendered, released all & every expectation, and navigated the other sneaky self-sabotaging tendencies. Then the Sircle magic really started!"
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